Penn State’s ordered punishments not an appropriate action
To the editor:
NCAA President, Mark Emmert has shown himself to be an incredible pinhead. How anyone, or any sane organization, could examine the Penn State debacle and then level sanctions in the wrong direction is beyond conception.
There is no doubt that we’re upset, we insist on justice for the kids, and we’re hungry for revenge. And there’s no questioning the fact that the issue illustrates a behavior that deserves castration.
But for Mr. Emmert to target areas and people that were not culpable is absolutely pointless and serves no purpose whatsoever! Factually, Penn State University committed no crime. The institution consists of libraries. class rooms, recreation areas, and revered buildings that have stood proudly for decades and produced thousands of graduates that have served and sacrificed for America…with class, courage, and distinction. That’s Penn State University, a compilation of mortar and bricks standing proudly without shame or blame.
The vacating of 112 wins by the late coach Joe Paterno, from 1998 through 2011, adds to the NCAA idiocy. Through this period, hundreds of hard-working athletes performed with skill and proficiency, a record that doesn’t deserve erasing because four or five non-players were offenders.
The victims, boys, now men, committed no crime… and deserve no punishment.
The stripping of the 10 scholarships per season for four years and the fine of $60 million dollars stinks as well. To mortally wound the ability of the school to continue to produce the highest level of education because a half dozen idiots proved to be dishonorable again makes no sense. How in the world does castigating current students, and those yet to come for the bad deeds of a few administrative wackos solve anything?
Mr. Emmert needs to re-think his actions. He’s added to the disgrace by showing the NCAA as being as stupid as the actual offenders. Justice, yes. Revenge, absolutely.Consequences for hideous behavior, certainly.
But, let’s not strike out wildly, without purpose or prudence. Let’s pinpoint the administrators and the coaches that participated in the rapes by their misdirected cover-ups and wring those guys’ necks… or anything else that’s handy.
These are the ones that earned the chastisement and their penalty and punishment should be endless.
Dick Kalfus
Cape Coral