Everest Marina expansion plan uncontested
The 30-day period for residents to contest the expansion of Everest Marina has expired without challenge, giving the marina’s owner the green light to begin the project.
Pete Huebner, the owner of the marina, will build 30 dry slips, a boat-washing facility, and forklift access to Stokes Canal after agreeing with area homeowners on certain stipulations intended to keep inconvenience to the neighborhood to a minimum.
Huebner hopes to have the project completed by the fall. “We provide a vital service to the boating community. It’s nice to see some people agree,” Huebner said. “It’s up to us to prove our word and run a quaint facility.”
Planning and Zoning gave its unanimous approval to the project May 2 despite the call from area property owners, many of whom live on the canal near the marina, to reject the plan because of a potential increased traffic and noise in and around the marina.
The board decided that the residents near the marina live across from an industrial area which includes the Everest Water Reclamation Facility.
The expansion plan was granted.
The P&Z gave 30 days for anyone to appeal the decision, which expired in early June without protest.
In that time, Huebner and the Everest Homeowners Association held a summit to discuss what neighbors wanted and reached an accord.
“We had discussions with the homeowners association about things they wanted in the PDP such as operating hours and lights,” Huebner said. “We came up with things to make us better neighbors.”
Since there are no zoning changes, the plan doesn’t have to go to city council for final approval, Huebner said. They will just penetrate the buffer that was created when the marina opened in 2000 to allow canal access the Marina previously did not have.
Huebner said they need to pour the concrete and build the docks and racks.
“I put it under the heading of careful what you wish for,” Huebner laughed. “I’m not in the construction business, but I’m learning every day.”
Vic Lawrance, president of the Everest Homeowners Association, could not be reached for comment.