
Anthony’s on the BLVD to hold breast cancer fund raiser

1 min read

Anthony’s on the BLVD will hold a fundraiser for the “Save the ta-tas Foundation” on Saturday June 23, beginning at 11:30 a.m.

Highlights for this kick off to summer event will be a fashion show by Razzle Dazzle Boutique, a Pig Roast with live entertainment and Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament.

Proceeds will go to the Save the ta-tas Foundation. The foundation raises money to fund breast cancer research.

Razzle Dazzle Boutique Shop in Cape Coral will host the fashion show starting at 11:30 a.m. The Fashion Show is $10 and includes lunch. Razzle Dazzle is a specialty ladies clothing shop that carries popular designer brand clothing like Jeggings, Impulse and more.

The Pig Roast will start at noon; live music will start on the patio bar at 1 p.m. The food, drink specials and chance drawings for prizes will be all day long. Admission for the Pig Roast is $10. However, for every $10 Pig Roast ticket purchased, Anthony’s on the BLVD is giving back a Free Breakfast Buffet coupon valued up to $7.99.

Tickets can be purchased in advance at Anthony’s on the BLVD, Cape Coral.