
Cape Coral R/Sea Hawks to gather this weekend for annual airshow

2 min read

The Cape Coral R/Sea Hawks organization will hold its biggest event of the year this weekend – the Gathering of the Giants.

The airshow be held today and Sunday, with flying 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The club has more than 300 members dedicated to expanding the practice and increasing the skill of model builders and Radio Control Flyers, according to event coordinator Pablo Fernandez.

“People love the jets,” he said, of the many attractions. Aerobatic planes, jets and Warbirds will be on hand.

The big ticket item is the Mac Hodge’s Giant B-29 with airborne launch of the Bell X-1 rocket plane. “This Giant B-29 is one of the largest radio controlled planes in the world,” he said. “It always brings a lot of fans out, between 5,000 and 10,000 people, depending on the weather.”

This is not a small plane to dismiss. “It costs $75,000 to make,” he said. “In 1957, it was the first world-record holding plane, and we have the replica.”

They also are raffling off an RC airplane to fans.

The event will be held at Air Park, which is located in north Cape Coral at 1030 N.W. 28th St.

The park is a city-owned facility, with spectators and pilots welcome. All pilots will use frequency control procedures as outlined in the R/Sea Hawks Flying Rules.

“The ‘R’ stands for radio control,” he said.

Funds from the show go to maintaining their air park. “It is important we do this,” he said.

There will also be food and drinks on site.

It is an AMA sanctioned event, AMA standing for Academy of Model Aeronautics.

“There will also be pilot awards; in the last few years one was 6 years old, another was 80.”

It is free admission, with a $5 donation for parking. For more information, go to

“We see a lot of the same people every year and new enthusiasts,” Fernandez said.