
Cape Coral Police Department March 2012 Do The Right Thing honorees, part 1

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Cape Coral Police Department March 2012 Do The Right Thing honorees, part 2

The Cape Coral Police Department recognized it Do the Right Thing honorees Wednesday. Those recognized include:

Chansen Savakinus, 5th grade, Oasis Charter, son of Brian and Destiny Savakinus

Overall winner

Chansen is being recognized for his courage. Chansen was first diagnosed with leukemia when he was in first grade. For 3-1?2 years he went through chemotherapy and related treatments and in 2010 was considered cancer free. Things began to get back to normal and his family had plans for the future. Unfortunately everything changed this past January when the Savakinus family was told that Chansen’s leukemia has returned. Chansen is now facing a harsher and longer treatment plan.

Chansen is determined to fight this illness and continues to persevere and show tremendous courage. He is a role model to both his younger brothers, especially 7-year-old Colton with whom he has a very tight bond. Chansen is also a role model to his classmates and has educated them on his illness, bringing cancer awareness to light. Prior to Relay for Life events, he has spoken at numerous school assemblies to tell his schoolmates about his type of cancer and why the American Cancer Society is important to him. In an effort to give back to the organizations that have helped him, he also speaks at fundraisers throughout the Fort Myers area about the Children’s Hospital. According to Oasis Charter Elementary principal Steven Hook, Chansen continues to be an excellent student who wants to be in the classroom with his teacher and fellow classmates as much as possible. He works hard to get good grades and always comes to school with a smile on his face and a “never quit” attitude looking to make the best of each day. Principal Hook considers Chansen one of his heroes in life.


Jaden Chapman, second grade, Gulf Elementary, daughter of Clarissa Chapman-Danna and Michael Danna

Jaden was nominated for her generosity and her caring nature. As a second grader at Gulf Elementary, she has participated in every charitable fundraiser that her school has held this year. She brought in baggies of coins for “Coins for a Cure” to support breast cancer awareness, cans of food for the Salvation Army, and soda pull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Jaden reminds classmates about the fundraisers as they occur and is a great role model with her tremendous participation. Earlier this school year she also contributed to a fund for her newborn twin cousins who needed extensive medical care. She spent an entire evening counting and rolling coins that she had been collecting over the years and was able to send $91 in coins for her new cousins. Jaden’s mom tells us that Jaden is compassionate toward animals and always wants to “protect Mother Nature” by picking up trash in parking lots, in her neighborhood or wherever she happens to spot it.


Breanna Helgerson, 12th grade, Island Coast High, daughter of Robert Helgerson

Breanna almost single-handedly undertook a book drive to benefit the new VA hospital being built in Cape Coral and scheduled to open in spring. She has collected close to 500 books to help stock this new facility. She has now undertaken a pet food drive after hearing of a need. She is truly a shining star at Island Coast High.


Kaylee Geringer, eighth grade, Gulf Middle, daughter of John and Sheila Geringer

Kaylee’s dad has Lou Gehrig’s disease and is very ill requiring round-the-clock care. When other teenagers are out with friends, Kaylee is helping her mom to take care of her dad and providing respite care so that her mother can get out of the house. She cooks for him, uses a lift to get him in bed, helps him with his breathing treatments, and sits and chats with him. Despite everything that Kaylee is going through in her life, she doesn’t fail to think about the welfare of others. Gulf Middle School held a fundraiser recently to enable students to take a field trip to a college at the end of the school year. The fundraiser fell short of the needed money, so Kaylee brought an envelope in to her teacher containing $91, the Christmas money she received from her grandparents, and donated it to the school rather than using it herself.

Source: Cape Coral Police Department