
More teams needed for Mini Golf Charity Tournament

3 min read


You can have family fun, donate to a worthwhile charity and even win a coveted “green putter” at the upcoming Mini Golf Charity Tournament sponsored, in part, by the United States Postal Service.

The event will benefit the United Way through the Combined Federal Campaign, to be held Sunday, Feb. 12, at Mike Greenwell’s Bat-A-Ball Family Fun Park in Cape Coral.

Rounds of miniature golf will be played every two hours starting at 10 a.m., and the prestigious “green jacket” and “green putter” will be presented.

Trophies will be awarded in two categories – Family and Adult Teams.

The top adult golfer will be awarded the green jacket and top child golfer will be awarded the green putter, said Customer Relations Coordinator and Event Chairperson Debra Mitchell of the United States Postal Service.

“The event will benefit the United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades Counties,” she said. “Last year, the first event was a lot of fun and we need more teams this year.”

Right now, she has more than a dozen teams.

“Teams can have anywhere up to six per team, and I will also form teams from individual golfers,” she said.

You do need to call ahead or e-mail her to register and set up a tee time.

There is a $10 adult registration fee, which includes a round of golf and trophies, a $5 registration for ages 5 to 10, and children under 5 are free.

Registration fees will be collected at the event. Registration is tax deductible and receipts will be provided.

There also will be a raffle to benefit the United Way, with tickets available in advance and at the event.

“I have Key West Express donating trips for two, a two-night stay at the Resort at Marina Village in Cape Coral, two rounds of golf including cart at Coral Oaks, and more, including gift certificates to local restaurants.”

Mitchell has been with the postal service for more than 30 years.

“We do the Combined Federal Campaign each year and I wanted to find a fun way to generate extra revenue for the United Way, that’s how we came up with the mini golf tournament,” she said.

She serves on the United Way Allocations Team, which distributes the funds.

“I got to see first-hand how local agencies use United Way funds. People don’t realize all the good that can be done with the little monies donated.”

For information, contact Mitchell at 573-9638 or by e-mail at

Mike Greenwell’s is at 35 NE Pine Island Rd. in Cape Coral.