
Red Energy Group wants to build plant in Cape

3 min read

The Red Energy Group wants Cape Coral to be home to its flagship waste-to-energy plant, a move that could put the city on the map as a green energy mecca.
If realized, the project would turn trash into a renewable fuel source, possibly cutting trash collection costs for citizens and give the city another commercial tax source.
Headed by Cape Resident Lars Mansson, the project would roll out over five years, and eventually be part of a larger, “green energy” complex focusing solely on alternative energy sources.
Mansson and The Red Energy Group are not seeking any financial help, or land, from the city.
Speaking Monday night to the Cape Coral City Council, Christopher Beach, a partner in Red Energy Group, said they were already looking at land in the city to build their plant, but would not elaborate on the location.
He said the group looked at Cape Coral because of Mansson’s longtime affiliation with the community. Mansson has been a resident of the Cape since 1981, according to Beach.
“I think it’s a sense of hometown pride, and a need to help out the community,” Beach said. “This is going to be the first of its kind.”
Councilmember Kevin McGrail said he asked members of the Red Energy Group repeatedly if they wanted anything more than the city’s trash.
He added that the plant would put the city on the map as a leader in alternative energy solutions, and attract people from around the country, if not the world.
“We’re beyond cutting edge, we’re razor’s edge with this technology,” McGrail said. “And I fully expect with this plant up and running … people would be coming in droves to our city to see this technology.”
If succesful, Red Energy Group said it would give the city 1 percent of all gross revenues, discounts on bio-desiel fuel and possible savings on trash collection for residents.
While seeking no money or land, Red Energy Group was essentially asking the city to enter into negotiations to receive the city’s trash for the next 20 years.
The city would also have to determine the impact of moving waste from Lee County’s facility to Red Energy Group’s plant. That cost, or the strain it might create between the city and county, have yet to be determined.
City staff said the Red Energy Group plant would also create new jobs.
Mansson told the council the project was nearly ready to go.
“We have everything ready to find a new milestone and it’s going to happen in Cape Coral,” Mansson said.