
City manager interviews commence

2 min read
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Mark Lauzier

Cape Coral City Council is interviewing city manager candidates this afternoon.
Each candidate is allowed an hour for the interview process.
There are five candidates for the job: current city manger Carl Schwing, Cape Coral resident Gary King, former Surprise, Arizona city manager Charles Oliver, USAF Colonel Peter Sands, and Mark Lauzier, a former city manager from the east coast of Florida.
Council debated the selection process for more than 30 minutes.
By the end of the interview process, city council will select two finalists. Contract negotiations will begin with the primary finalist, while the secondary finalist will serve as a back up should negotiations fall through with the primary candidate.
First up is Mark Lauzier.
Lauzier, 48, previously was the city manager of Parkland, Fla. Most recently Lauzier was the president and owner of The Budget Experts, based in Coral Springs, Fla., which performs management and operational studies for local governments.
Lauzier told council members he’s had some experience with utility expansion projects in Pompano Beach.
Lauzier also said there are two styles of city managers, “new” and “old” school. He said the relationship of the city manager to city council is akin to a CEO and executive board.
“It’s about my relationship to the council, to the mayor, and to the citizens,” Lauzier said.
Lauzier has a daughter who attends Florida Gulf Coast University.
“I know the trade, had success in the trade, and know what I’m all about,” he said. “Knowing about myself is something I think is important.”
His top priorities for the city include: leader shop team development, financial recovery, building positive relationship, and staff excellence.