
Brandt sets town hall meeting

2 min read

District 2 Councilmember Pete Brandt will hold a town hall meeting Saturday at the Cape Coral Library.
Brandt said he plans on addressing the issue of “block voting” during the session.
He also plans on addressing his support of Gary King as the new city manager, as well the selection of Erick Kuehn as the District 5 council member appointee.
He said he plans on talking for 15 to 20 minutes before opening it up to any subject attendees want discussed.
“I hope people will take an interest in their local government, that’s why it’s important,” Brandt said.
Other topics to be addressed include: The fiscal year 2011 budget, his position on the Utility Rate issue, an update on the North Spreader Eco-Management Agreement, the CRA, Sans Souci, the swim center in Fort Myers, the proposed Red Energy plant, the new trash container, and “whatever else anyone wished to talk about”.
A vote on the NSEMA agreement was delayed this week by county commissioners.
Pete Brandt said the final draft of the agreement was not in yet, but expects it by the end of this week.
The town hall will begin promptly at 10 am, according to Brandt.
While no end time is set, Brandt said the room is reserved until 1 p.m., although he said he usually begins to “lose the audience” after the two hour mark.
He said people who plan on attending should be there no later than 10 a.m.
“If they get there at 10:30 they’re going to miss a lot of good stuff,” he said.
For more information contact Pete Brandt at his office by calling 574-0436.