
Rubio addresses crowd at Rumrunners

2 min read

The Marco Rubio campaign trail made its way to Cape Coral Thursday, as the senatorial hopeful spoke to a deck full of supporters at Rumrunners in Cape Harbour.
Rubio touched on a majority of the hot button issues right now, from health care to immigration to the future of the space program.
He also took a few shots at his opponent, Gov. Charlie Crist, who’s name drew a chorus of boos from the crowd.
But, it was Rubio’s humble beginnings as the son of working class Cuban immigrant that taught him the American dream was still possible, he said, and made him realize he wanted to fight for the values he was raised with.
The father of three young children, Rubio added that he had second thoughts about a senatorial run because he didn’t want to be away from his family.
“The most important job I have is father … I don’t want to wake up one day and my kids are 25,” Rubio said.
Taking questions from the crowd, Rubio vowed that he would not become a typical, out of touch politician should he win the seat.
He jokingly said he didn’t even really want to be a senator, but he can’t make a difference without the position because they don’t let anyone except senators on the senatorial floor.
He equated current politics to bumper sticker phrases, and said he wants to get back to dealing with real, working class people.
“I’m not going there to be part of of the system,” Rubio added.
Cape Coral City Councilmember Bill Deile attended the rally and was hoping to get some face time with Rubio to pitch his idea of bringing U.S. Africa command — AFRICOM — to Cape Coral.
Deile said he has previously written Rubio, as well as spoken with Rep. Connie Mack about supporting the move.
“I wanted to lay the ground work now,” Deile said. “I want to get Cape Coral in front of him.”