
Cape fire department encourages residents to sign up with CodeRED for Hurricane Season

2 min read

The Cape Coral Fire Department is urging Cape residents to make sure their phone number is registered in the CodeRED Emergency Alert System database. Hurricane season officially begins on June 1, and CodeRED provides the city with the capability of delivering emergency updates via the telephone.
“The City always will use the media as their primary contact for getting information out to the public in emergency situations,” said Fire Chief Bill Van Helden in a prepared s statement. “However, CodeRED gives us another tool to communicate directly with our citizens in the event of an emergency.”
With CodeRED, city officials can deliver pre-recorded emergency telephone notifications to the entire city or to geographically targeted areas at a rate of up to 60,000 calls per hour. While the CodeRED system has an existing database of home and business phone numbers, citizens are strongly encouraged to log on to the city’s website ( and click on the CodeRED box to register their current information. Residents who do not have Internet access can call the Citizen’s Action Center at 574-0425 to request their name and number be added.
Businesses also should register, as well as individuals who have unlisted phone numbers. Anyone who may have changed their phone number or address within the past year, or those who prefer to be notified by their cell phones should sign up.

Source: City of Cape Coral