
Two promoted within Division of Public Safety

1 min read

Two employees were promoted to positions of greater responsibility recently in Lee County’s Division of Public Safety.
Kim Dickerson, formerly deputy chief of EMS operations, is now the deputy director of public safety. Scott Tuttle, formerly deputy chief of EMS training, is now the deputy chief of EMS operations. The training position is being advertised this month.
Dickerson was appointed following a national search to fill the deputy director’s position. Budget cuts forced consolidation of two deputy directors’ positions into one.
“I am excited to work with a team of dedicated public safety personnel as we face continued economic challenges over the next few years,” said Dickerson about her appointment. “The demand for 911 services has not decreased. We will continue to provide excellent pre-hospital care while responsibly using tax dollars in the most effective way, just as we did by implementing Medical Priority Dispatch and SIREN technologies.”
The two managers will oversee EMS and the 300+ employees of that department.