
Lee County DOT Roadwatch update

7 min read

The Lee County Department of Transportation has issued the following Roadwatch update for the week of April 29 through May 5. For additional information, call 239-533-8580.

I. Road Projects
Bonita Beach Road – Road Widening Project East of Bonita Grande Drive – The week of
Feb. 2, 2009, construction activities began on the widening of Bonita Beach Road east of
Bonita Grande Drive. Construction activities are substantially complete. Proposed work
includes the widening of approximately two miles of Bonita Beach Road from two lanes to four
lanes. Work will also include rebuilding portions of the existing two lanes, installation of
drainage and relocation of a force main. Two travel lanes will be maintained in order not to
disrupt the flow of traffic in the area. Call Eyra Cash with any questions at (239) 533-8562.

Buckingham Road – Paved Shoulders from SR 82 to Neal Road -Work began on
Feb. 8, 2010, to add 4-foot-wide paved shoulders on Buckingham Rd. This work will
require one lane to be closed during much of the work effort. Lane closures will be limited to off
peak hours, after 9 a.m. and before 3 p.m.; however an alternate route is suggested. Work is
expected to be complete by May 1, 2010. The paved shoulders are complete; the entire road will
be resurfaced in the next few weeks; exact schedule hasn’t been determined. The work will take
2 to 3 days and work will be done at night.

Colonial Blvd (CR 884) Six Laning from I-75 to State Rd 82 (approx. 2.7 miles in length)
Construction activities began on Monday, Aug. 10, 2009. Proposed work consists of widening
an existing four-lane highway facility, to a six-lane urbanized divided highway. This will include
the installation of street lighting, signalization, bridge widening and utility modifications. Two 8-
foot-wide asphalt multi-use sidewalks along the north and south sides of the road will be added.
The tentative completion date is April, 2011.

Colonial Blvd – Utility work began on Oct. 1, 2009 and will be ongoing around the bridge
over Cypress Slough and Treeline Avenue on both the north and south side of Colonial Blvd.
for a few more weeks for relocation of utilities and final tie-ins. There will be storm drain
installation related activities on the north and south side of the roadway. Bridge construction
related activities will continue for the next few months on the south side of the roadway.
Construction activities will continue under the I-75 Bridges along Colonial. Construction
traffic is heavy, so please drive through the area with caution. If you have any questions
please contact Eyra Cash, Lee County Dept. of Transportation at (239) 533-8562.

Daniels Parkway / Bell Tower Intersection Improvements
Construction activities began on Monday, March 1, 2010 on improvements to Daniels Parkway
between US 41 and the intersection of Brynwood Lane and Big Pine Way. This work will
include improvements to the signal and Sauer Drive/Bell Tower Drive, median improvements,
turn lane extensions, and sidewalks on the south side of the roadway.
This work will require lane closures during much of the work effort. Prior to April 5,
2010, lane closures will be limited to night time hours only, 7 pm to 6 am. After April 5,
2010, lane closures may also occur during off-peak hours, after 9 a.m. and before 3 p.m.;
however, an alternate route is suggested. The tentative completion date is September,
2010. Contact Robert Phelan at 533-8594 with any questions.

Edison Ave – Work started April 12 on Edison Ave between West 6th St and West 7th St in
Lehigh Acres. The East County Water Control District will be replacing a pipe. This project will
last until approx. May 3rd. Any questions please contact Billy Byrd @ 707-6946
Gladiolus Drive Widening from Pine Ridge Road to Winkler Road – Construction activities
are continuing on Gladiolus Drive and on Bass Road to widen Gladiolus Drive from 2 lanes to 6
lanes from Winker Road to Bass Road and to 4 lanes from Bass Road to Pine Ridge Road and to
widen Bass Road from 2 lanes to 4 lanes from Health Park to Gladiolus Drive. Motorists are
advised that a lane reduction is in place on the westbound approach of Gladiolus Drive to Winker
Road. Construction activities are currently occurring throughout the corridor. Lane closures may
occur and will typically be at night time between 7:00 pm and 6:00 am with some work
occurring off the roadway during the day. The tentative completion date is Summer, 2010
contact Robert Phelan at 533-8594 with any questions.
On Friday, April 9, 2010, the contractor is anticipating shifting eastbound traffic to the
new travel way for the entire project length. Between Pine Ridge Road and Bass Road,
one lane of traffic will be open in each direction. Motorists are advised that new traffic
patterns will be present throughout the area including the signalized intersections of Pine
Ridge Road, Hagie Dr/Alexandria Dr, A&W Bulb Road and Bass Road. After traffic is
shifted, motorists are advised that work will be occurring in the median.

Lee Blvd/Sunshine Blvd. – Intersection of Lee Boulevard/Sunshine Boulevard – On February
20, 2010, construction activities began and will take approximately 5 months to complete. The
proposed work will extend along Sunshine Boulevard approximately 1000 feet in each direction
from Lee Boulevard; and includes the addition of a left turn lane and traffic signal
modifications. Please contact Eyra Cash at 533-8562 with any questions or comments.
Littleton Rd – on April 8, 2010, construction activities began on the south side of Littleton Road
from US 41 to Old US 41, and is anticipated to take 6 months to complete. Proposed work
includes construction of a 5-foot-wide sidewalk. Please contact Eyra Cash at 533-8562 with any
questions or comments.

Sanibel Toll Plaza Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements – Work began February 8, 2010 to add
paved shoulders/construct a bike path through the toll booth area. McGregor Blvd. will be
resurfaced through the limits of the work area and additional boat trailer parking will be added
for the boat ramp. All through travel lanes will remain open during day light hours; activities
requiring lane closures (resurfacing) will be done at night. Work is expected to be complete by
April 30, 2010.

Summerlin Rd. from Cypress Lake Dr. to Boy Scout Rd. – Work continues on widening the
southbound roadway from north of College to Cypress Lake, and on the northbound roadway
near Boy Scout Rd. Work on the retaining wall on the south side has been suspended due to the
presence of asbestos and will resume once a determination of the amount and disposable method
has been approved. Work on the retaining wall on the North side of the intersection is underway.
Traffic will be shifted to the new northbound lanes north of Maple Ave. and work in the median
and on the southbound lanes from Maple Ave. to Boy Scout Rd. began the week of February
15th. Completion date is summer of 2010. Please contact Sarah Clarke at 533-8718 with any

II. Road/Bridge Maintenance
Cape Coral Bridge – Lee County DOT Operations will be managing the overlay project for the
Cape Coral Bridge West Bound Lanes, Bridge # 124044 on College Pkwy. The project is
scheduled for 90 days starting Monday, April 5, 2010. There will be lane closures from 6 am to 3 pm,
including weekends. If you have any questions, please contact Ehab Guirguis at 533-9400.

Gregory Ave – The East County Water Control District will be closing Gregory Ave. between
28th St SW and 29th St SW in Lehigh starting on April 27th through May 4th to replace a pipe.
Moody Road – We will be performing bridge maintenance on Moody Road in North Ft Myers
between Pondella Road and Hancock Bridge Parkway starting 4/26/10. There will be a lane
closure. The project should be completed by 5/6/10.

III. Landscaping
Summerlin Road – Landscaping – Lee County DOT Operations will be managing the
installation of irrigation and landscaping along Summerlin Road, between Sanibel Island and
Gladiolus Drive. This project is scheduled to be completed in late April, 2010. Lane closures and
traffic impacts may occur. If you have any questions please contact Bob DeBrock at 239-533-

IV. County-Wide Road Resurfacing
Resurfacing various streets countywide began May 5, 2009 and will last for 12 months.
V. County-Wide Sidewalk Construction