
Kiwanis gets ready to distribute scholarships

2 min read

The Kiwanis Club of Cape Coral will hand out its scholarships next week, a tradition that’s more than two decades old. Twenty scholarships of $6,000 will be awarded to Cape Coral seniors.
Though the students don’t have to go to school in Cape Coral, they do have to be residents, according to Trudy Hutch.
Hutch said it is events like this that truly illustrate the Kiwanis Club’s mission not only in the Cape, but worldwide.
“This is what it’s all about,” Hutch said. “We are a global organization changing the community one child at a time.”
The money helps to fund four years of college for the lucky seniors.
Hutch said a past recipient recently “paid it forward,” by giving a $20,000 check for the scholarship fund.
Hutch added that’s part of their mission, too, inspiring students to come back and invest in the community. She cited former Mayor Eric Fiechthaler, as a former scholarship recipient.
The students are chosen based on a set of three criteria: they must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, how active they are in the community, and their financial situation.
“We really give a lot of attention to their activities,” Hutch said.
The scholarships will be awarded March 30, at 6 p.m., at Gulf Coast Village on Santa Barbara.