Besides expanding the event to three days there will be other major changes the public will need to kn."/>
Besides expanding the event to three days there will be other major changes the public will need to kn."/>
Besides expanding the event to three days there will be other major changes the public will need to kn." />

Celebrate Cape Coral to turn into a three-day carnival

2 min read

Celebrate Cape Coral will take a new form this year.
The Chamber of Commerce of Cape Coral will present the TIB Bank Celebrate Cape Coral Carnival & Parade on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 5, 6 and 7 in downtown Cape Coral.
“This will be the first time in over 15 years a carnival has beenheld in downtown Cape Coral,” said Bob Knickman, special events director for the Chamber in a prepared statement. “We are doing an extreme makeover on the event.”
Besides expanding the event to three days there will be other major changes the public will need to know. From Celebrate Cape Coral’s inception the event has been held in the Big John’s Shopping Plaza parking lot on Southeast 47th Terrace. This year the event will move to the open lot on the corner of Southeast 47th Terrace and Southeast 8th Court, the location the city of Cape Coral holds its “Bike Night” events.
The traditional highlight of Celebrate Cape Coral is the Night Parade. The city’s longest running and largest parade will be held on Saturday night beginning when the sun goes down. In past years the parade ran west to east on Southeast 47th Terrace. This year organizers will turn the parade around and it will begin at Southeast 15th Ave and travel eastbound to Southeast 8th Court.
With the additional days Friday night will be “Students Night,” Saturday will be “Family Day” and Sunday the event will reach out to local churches with a special Celebrate Service with a praise band.
“We have some special opportunities that we have never had before and in 2010 it’s important to bring together all aspects of our community and together celebrate all the good things, Cape living brings,” said Knickman.
For more details contact Bob Knickman at 549-6900 x 109 or email at

Source: Chamber of Commerce of Cape Coral