
Cape man charged with sex offense against 12-year-old

1 min read

A Cape Coral man was taken into custody Thursday and charged with a sexual offense against a 12-year-old resident.
Pedro Luis Gonzalez, 48, was charged with lewd and lascivious behavior on a victim between the ages of 12 and 16 by someone 18 years of age and older. The incident occurred in the summer of 2007, according to an arrest report.
The report indicates that on Jan. 30, a third-party told police of the incident, and officers interviewed the victim Wednesday.
The victim’s family moved out of the state after the incident, but recently returned to Cape Coral, the report states.
According to the report, police are investigating a second alleged incident involving Gonzalez. A 6-year-old told police Gonzalez molested him or her three years ago.
However, Cape police had only charged Gonzalez with one count of a sexual offense on a minor as of Thursday.