Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club gives back to community through annual arts and crafts fair

For the last 34 years, The Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club Arts and Crafts Fair has attracted thousands of visitors from all over.
“It is our largest fundraiser,” said Jeff MacDonald, Lions Club member and one of the co-chairs of the event.
The fair will take place at the Sanibel Community House Friday, March 17, and Saturday, March 18, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The suggested donation is $5 per person while children 12 and under are free.
For the first time this year, attendees will automatically be entered to win an iPad Air with paid entry.
The fair will feature art, jewelry, photography, sculptures and clothing from over different 100 exhibitors. Seventy-five of the artists are local. First, second and third place will win prizes as well as best in show. The art will be judged in three categories: two-dimensional art, three-dimensional art and creative crafts.
To raise money for local charities the Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club supports, the fair will have a silent auction and raffles. Some of the prizes for the silent auction includes a cruise for four to Useppa Island on a 43-foot boat (lunch included), local artwork, restaurant gift certificates, golf packages and gift certificates to local businesses. The auction ends Saturday, March 18 at 1 p.m.
Raffle items include prizes donated from exhibitors and $100 cash prizes. There will be five drawings every hour, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both Friday and Saturday. Raffle tickets are $2 per ticket, $5 for 3, $10 for 7 or $20 for 15. Attendees do not have to present to win at the silent auction and raffle.
Parking for the event is free. Attendees can park across the street at the BIG ARTS Strauss Theater and other nearby locations.
All of the proceeds raised during the fair will go towards complimentary health screenings for vision, hearing, blood pressure and diabetes for both adults and children, The Southeastern Guide Dogs, F.I.S.H. of SANCAP, the Sanibel Community Association, college scholarships and Recycle for Sight.
“As a Lion, it’s nice to give back to the community. Since it’s our largest fundraiser, it gives us the most ability to take the proceeds and actually do good things with them,” MacDonald said.
For more information about the event, go to