
Women’s Empowerment session ends Feb. 2 at BIG ARTS

2 min read
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Sheryl DuWunn and Nicholas Kristof

A collaboration between Zonta Club and BIG ARTS-the Women’s Empowerment series-ends Feb. 2 with one final presentation.

The final Women’s Empowerment session is set to be a screening of the riveting documentary “Half the Sky:Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.” Based on Pulitzer-prize winning journalists Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl DuWunn’s New York Times number-one best-seller, the film explores the possibilities of igniting change and putting an end to the worldwide oppression of women and girls in developing countries.

The film frames the central moral of today’s times as the ongoing slavery and oppression of women in developing countries. Hidden in the overlapping problems of sex trafficking and forced prostitution, gender-based violence, and maternal mortality is the single most vital opportunity of today’s time-and women are seizing it. From Somaliland to Cambodia to Afghanistan, the film explores the ways in which women’s oppression is being confronted head on and with real, meaningful solutions.

Following the screening will be a unique artistic presentation by Kristen van Ginhoven and WAM Threatre entitled “Where Arts and Activism Meet.” WAM Threatre was itself inspired by the book upon which the aforementioned film was based as a way to use theatre as philanthropy for women and girls. Since launching in 2010, WAM Theatre has donated more than $20,000 to eight beneficiaries and provided paid work to more than 175 theatre artists.

BIG ARTS, established in 1979, is a nonprofit organization devoted to providing quality artistic, cultural and educational experiences to Sanibel and Captiva residents and visitors. The organization is grateful to the volunteers and the generous support of Northern Trust Company and Sue and Tom Pick for their leadership support of the BIG ARTS FORUM.

For more information about BIG ARTS and the complete season of offerings, visit