
Former U.S. Russia Ambassador John Beyrle to speak at BIG ARTS

2 min read

Following President Donald Trump’s timely induction to the White House last month, the Russia-United States Legal Education Foundation will have former U.S. Russia Ambassador John Beyrle give his speech, “Russia and the U.S. in the Trump/Putin Era: Detente or Deception?” at BIG ARTS’ Schein Hall Wednesday, Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m.

The event is sponsored by the Sanibel Captiva Trust Company and following the speech, a reception will be held which will be catered by Bailey’s.

Some of the topics Beyrle will touch upon during his speech include our nuclear relationship with Russia, Syria, the different approaches to fundamentalist Islam, the Ukraine and Crimea.

“He only wants to speak for about 30 minutes, so there will be plenty of time for questions,” said Jane Picker of RUSLEF.

Sidney and Jane Picker, who are the founders of RUSLEF, started the foundation shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1992.

“(The program) is designed to promote a rule of law of legal culture in the rising generation of Russia’s bench and bar,” Sid said. “What we principally do is we bring Russian law students to the United States for a year’s study in American law school. The American law schools participate with us from California to Maine. They waive tuition then we raise the money for non-tuition expenses.”

The Picker’s goal is for the students to learn as much about U.S. law as they possibly can so they can understand how things work in our country.

Tickets for Beyrle’s speech are $25 can be purchased by calling the Picker’s at (239) 395-1832 or by sending them an email at They can also be purchased at Bailey’s General Store.