Tarpon Bay Explorers encourages visitors to be green

Sanibel Island has always been environmentally conscious, especially since the island’s incorporation in 1974. A portion of the city’s mission statement is to “live in harmony with the island’s wildlife and natural habitat.” Tarpon Bay Explorers’ mission parallels the city’s vision in that the Explorers encourage stewardship of the islands unique natural environment.
This season, Tarpon Bay Explorers has taken upon itself to encourage its visitors to be environmentally conscious by taking an alternative mode of transportation to Tarpon Bay: biking.
Visitors who bike to Tarpon Bay Explorers for their tour, rental, or shopping, will receive a free gift.
“A free gift initiative will hopefully entice people to take an eco-friendly route. Its really a win-win situation,” explained general manager and part owner, Wendy Schnapp. “The environment wins by reducing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the people win by not only receiving a free gift, but self satisfaction of helping the island’s environment. Plus, sometimes biking takes less time to travel to parts of the island than driving.”
Sanibel is a bike friendly community. Bike paths are adjacent to every major road on the island making it easy for visitors to enjoy bike rides to just about any destination on the island.
“Sanibel has received awards for its system of bike trails, so this initiative really meshes well with the island’s lifestyle,” commented Assistant Manager Adam Sauerland.
Tarpon Bay Explorers’ is the concession to the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge whose mission is to be a successful eco-tour company by providing excellent customer service and quality educational tours, rentals and merchandise all while furthering the goals of the US Fish & Wildlife Service at the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge and encouraging superior stewardship of the unique natural environment. Fifteen percent of all sales benefits National Wildlife Refuges throughout the country including one close to home and to the island’s visitors.