Marks remains chairman of Planning Commission
Last week’s Planning Commission meeting voted on a new chairman, vice chairman, as well as discussed its project list of 2017.
Karen Storjohann was the newest member of the Sanibel Planning Commission introduced at the Tuesday, Jan. 10 meeting. She replaced Tom Krekel.
“Thank you for your warm welcome,” Storjohann said.
Dr. Phillip Marks was reelected as the chairman of the commission, and Holly Smith was elected as the vice chairman.
“My work obligations, family obligations have put additional time constraints on me and that is why I need to step away from being vice chair,” Christopher Heidrick said. “I still plan on being completely involved and active in the planning commission. I really enjoy being a part of this body.”
Following the election of chair, vice chair and subcommittee chairs, Planning Director James Jordan discussed the planning department project list. Listed among the top priorities, he said they have taken care of the architectural standards for internally-facing facade walls.
Jordan said they have forwarded a memorandum to City Council concerning formula retail. The commission discussed if the definition of formula retail should change, as well as if the floor area should be changed last year.
“Once we get direction from council, we will be coming back to the commission for action once we receive that direction,” he said.
A pending City Council project, Jordan explained was how to deal with properties that have been reduced in size due to natural erosion.
The City of Sanibel also received a request to add the slow speed moving vehicles, which was discussed as a conditional use permit application and declined by a vote of the Planning Commission last year, to their agenda. Jordan said the application will appear on the February City Council agenda.