Energy Medicine Workshops to be held at Community House
A matrimonial lawyer for more than 30 years eventually became very fatigued from the countless hours spent in the courtroom, which ultimately resulted in a new career, one of which teaches others about energy medicine.
“They suggested I undertake a source of medication to deal with the issue and I didn’t want to do that. I have always done things holistically and naturally as I can,” Karen Semmelman, director of Semmelman Energy Center, said. “I stumbled on energy work. It’s been an incredible journey. I wasn’t constantly fatigued.”
Through her journey her system became more rejuvenated, calm and balanced.
“I was focusing on will power. That was keeping me going. My system was disconnected,” Semmelman said.
She said there are five rhythms found in Chinese medicine, which should all be interconnected – water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Every rhythm is associated with a specific organ, Semmelman explained.
“When they are disconnected, all the organs are not interconnected and supporting you,” she said. “Our body wants to heal. If you show it the way and start making the connection, it will have an opportunity to heal itself.”
Semmelman said once they found out which of her rhythms were unbalanced, her whole body began to feel so much better because all of a sudden everything was talking to one another again.
Semmelman will present Energy Medicine Workshops at the Sanibel Community House in January, February, March and April.
The first class, “Energy Medicine First Aid” will be held from 6-8 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 11. Attendees will learn tools for such issues as tension headaches, neck and shoulder tension, digestion issues, depression and being proactive against colds and flues.
“Explore Homeopathy, Another Form of Energy Medicine” is the next workshop to be held from 4-6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 8. Burke Lennihan, author of “Your Natural Medicine Cabinet” will join Semmelman.
Balance and coordination is the topic of the Wednesday, March 22, class from 6-8 p.m.
Semmelman said attendees will participate in exercise that will help them improve their balance.
Energy medicine shifts will be discussed from 4-6 p.m., Wednesday, April 12.
Semmelman said they start at a common level with an hour of learning. She said the classes are very interactive, so attendees can feel the instant impacts from certain exercises.
“If someone has pain on one side of the body and not the other, like a headache on one side of the head. Their back hurts on one side and not the other. That is a clear indication that the energy is not crossing,” she said.
Individuals will be energetically tested at the beginning and after the exercise to see if the energy crossed to both sides.
“The pain will dissipate, or alternatively shift and it’s mild,” Semmelman said.
The second hour will address the topic of the night, which are all introductory ways providing individuals with tools to begin to shift their energy.
A powerpoint is provided, as well as handouts, so people can take information home with them.
It is $15 per course. Advanced registration is required by calling Jan at (239) 472-2155. The Community House is located at 2173 Periwinkle Way.