Captiva Community Panel discusses new signage, makes progress on Captiva Drive
Wastewater, Captiva Drive and new signage were just some of the topics covered during last week’s monthly Captiva Community Panel meeting. Jay Brown, president of the Captiva Community Panel said that not much progress has been made on the wastewater study.
“I had an exchange of emails with Pam Keyes who’s the director of Lee County Utilities and she did a revised scope of the study that we reviewed and commented on. One of the major issues we had was that she did not an include the evaluation of the package plans and I suggested to her that it needs to be part of the review. She has accepted that and we’ll have an analysis of the package plan. When I last met with her, she said the next step was to prepare a revised scope of study with a presentation for the commissioner’s workshop. I followed up with her and she still has to put together a scope of study to review with Doug Meurer and the next step is presenting this to the board of commissioner’s workshop. But to be honest, that’s virtually no progress since I had the Oct. 12 meeting with her,” Brown said.
Sandy Stilwell, a Captiva Community Panel said during the meeting that she would get in touch with Meurer to follow up and see what the progress is.
David Mintz another panel member, met with the Lee County Department of Transportation to show them the S-curve project.
“They said it was a doable project and it’s something that needs to be done,” Mintz said. “After some discussion, DOT said they would support the project.”
To get this project the panel will need to have a survey done to determine how much footage is needed for the seven property owners that the project will affect. Once the survey is completed, the project will be ready for the engineering and design. Randy Cerchie, the head of the Lee County Department of Transportation will be paying for the survey which will cost around $10,000. The survey is expected to be completed within two months.
Jack Cunningham, a Captiva Community Panel member announced during the meeting that the Captiva Library, the civic center, The Captiva Island Historical Society and the Chapel by the Sea will get new signage this week on the corner of Chapin Lane and Captiva Drive.
“The only reason I got the panel involved is because they made a request for the sign change a couple years ago and they were flatly denied. The new sign will be replaced where the current one is with an arrow. I think this is very important because nobody knows that area is even down there,” Cunningham said.
The 2017 budget was approved as presented. Additional projects will be addressed once definite costs are in place. Jay Brown, Jack Cunningham and Mike Kelly have been termed out and will be replaced by Tom Rathbone, Mike Lanigan and Andreas Bieri in January.