
‘Ding’ Darling Days kicks off with free Family Fun Day Oct. 16

3 min read
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The Blue Goose refuge system mascot greets kids at Sunday’s Family Fun Day. PHOTO PROVIDED
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Kids ages 10 and older can take advantage of free archery clinics. PHOTO PROVIDED
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Visit the Butterfly House hosted by Butterfly Estates in Fort Myers. Ken Kopperl

“Ding” Darling Days is sure to be a crowd pleaser for the whole family. The 27th annual “Ding” Darling Days begins Oct. 16 and culminates Oct. 22. Most of the events offered throughout the week are free.

Many of the activities offered this year are bird themed in celebration of the centennial anniversary of the Migratory Bird Treaty.

On Sunday, Oct. 16, there will be films, presentations, contests, face painting, touch tanks and archery demos offered throughout the afternoon. The free Family Fun Day is valued at $75.

“It’s from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and it’s all free. The trams are free, there’s a butterfly tent, there’s recycled crafts, there’s live animals shows. It’s goes on and on,” said Toni Westland, supervisory refuge ranger.

Westland will also be giving the presentation “She’s Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head!” at 11 a.m. which touches on a group of ladies in the 1900s from the Audubon Society who were sick of seeing women go from wearing bird feathers in their hats to whole, dead birds.

On Monday, Oct. 17, from 11 a.m to noon, Steven Noll, a professor from the University of Florida will give a presentation discussing the Plume Trade in honor of “Ding’s” Migratory Bird Day. There will also be nature cruises and kayak tours offered that day as well.

On Tuesday, Oct. 18, which is deemed “Beach and Water Day”, Tarpon Bay Explorers will offer free paddle boarding lessons.

“If you’ve never done stand-up paddle boarding before, you can do it for free. There’s a couple clinics. They teach you, then you’re able to paddle board for as long as you want. That’s a huge value,” Westland said.

The free paddle boarding clinic will be offered on Oct. 20 as well.

During “Walk the Trails Day” which is Wednesday, Oct. 19, the refuge will offer a free Bunche Beach birding tram, free caravan tour, free self-guided Animal Olympics Games at Bailey Tract and a free Photo Nest Presentation. There is also discounts on cruises and kayak tours throughout the day.

For “International Birders Film Festival Day” Oct. 20, the refuge will show a variety of birding films. A free deck talk and caravan tour is included that day as well.

In honor of “Ding” Darling’s 140th birthday Friday, Oct. 21, the refuge will show the film “America’s Darling” along with serving birthday cake. Ranger Becky will lead a Scat and Tracks Walk and Wildlife Drive is free to bikers/hikers that day.

On Saturday, Oct. 22, is “Conservation Art Day” which concludes the annual “Ding” Darling Days event. A meet and greet with the Duck Stamp winners will take place from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Wildlife Drive will have free admission that day as well. Guests will also have the opportunity to paint a feather portrait or participate in a Nature Photography Tram Tour led by Terry Baldwin.

“I love Art Day because Ding would appreciate it. I think he would be proud,” Westland said. “By people coming and learning and getting excited, they become conservationists and stewards of the environment. “

For a full schedule of events, go to