
CROW Classic Golf Tournament hole-in-one offers chance to win motorcycle

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Jeff Haungs, vice president, R.L.R. Investments (title sponsor), Marilyn Kane, CROW Classic Golf Tournament co-chair and David Nichols, DVM, CROW’s board president. PHOTO PROVIDED

This year’s annual CROW Classic Golf Tournament is featuring the opportunity to win a Harley-Davidson 2016 Dyna Street Bob black den if a “hog-in-one” is made on The Sanctuary Golf Club course.

“This is the first year that CROW has been able to provide a prize for the hole-in-one,” CROW Classic Golf Tournament Co-Chair Marilyn Kane said. “It is very exciting. Everyone will have a chance to make a hole-in-one.”

She said purchasing the motorcycle from Six Bends Harley-Davidson was made possible through a generous anonymous donor. The chance to win the motorcycle will take place on the 4th hole, which is 180-yards.

“We are anticipating a very exciting tournament. Golfers will enjoy the opportunity to play golf on a nationally acclaimed course and a chance to win an iconic motorcycle all while helping support local wildlife,” David Nichols, DVM, CROW’s board president said in a prepared statement.

The CROW Classic Golf Tournament, which had two foursome teams left to fill as of Wednesday, Oct. 5, will be held at The Sanctuary Golf Club Saturday, Oct. 15. Check-in starts at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. The tournament is open for 100 players, with each receiving a goodie bag that includes $15 CROW bucks that can be used for the beverage cart on the golf course.

For more information about participating in the event, visit

“I love to golf and there are so many local people, so many familiar faces that you see,” Kane said of why she enjoys the event. “Golfing at the Sanctuary is beautiful. You see a lot of wildlife there. It’s just a real fun event.”

The hour an a half window between registration and the shotgun start, Kane said provides the players with the opportunity to buy raffle tickets, buy golf balls for the helicopter ball drop, check out the Harley, enjoy a boxed lunch, all while practicing putting for the tournament.

The first place winner will receive a golf package from the Dunes Golf & Tennis Club for a foursome with no black out dates.

In addition to the scramble format golf tournament, the event will feature a helicopter ball drop at 5:15 p.m. Tickets are $20 for one ball, or six for $100.

Kane said the golf balls will be dropped from the helicopter and whichever numbered ball lands the closest to the hole wins the 50/50 raffle.

“Last year the person won $1,500,” she said.

This year marks the third annual CROW Classic Golf Tournament. Kane said the tournament has been super successful in raising money for CROW.

“It’s on a Saturday in October. Usually October is one of the most beautiful months,” she said.

The money raised through the tournament will be used to support the animals that need CROWs assistance. Kane said there has been more than 3,000 animal patients admitted to CROW so far this year.

“The money that is raised is really needed to support patients that are sent to CROW,” Kane said.