
CHR holds volunteer meeting for 5th annual Mardi Gras event

2 min read
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CHR’s Mardi Gras event this past February. PHOTO PROVIDED

Sanibel Community Housing Resources will hold its second meeting of the season Thursday Oct. 13 at The Dunes from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in an effort to attract more volunteers for their 5th annual Mardi Gras fundraiser event which takes place this February. All proceeds from the event goes towards providing affordable housing to full-time island workers.

“What we’re hoping for this next event is that it will have some fresh volunteers that can start filling out these committees based on their interests and skills,” said Kelley Riedy, director of development and communications of Sanibel CHR.

During the meeting on Thursday, Riedy and staff will go over the structure of the event.

“For anyone who needs a refresher from last year, we’ll just go over the event in general and remind everyone the lay of the land and where it’s going to be held. It’s all going to held outside at The Dunes so we’ll have a big event map to get everyone on the same page as to where things will be located and we’ll go over the schedule,” Riedy said.

A new aspect of the event this year is the addition of a speakeasy lounge. The Young Professionals Association will also be getting involved with the parade committee to help design three custom golf carts for the swim teams during the event.

For those interested in getting involved, the meeting will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at The Dunes, 949 Sand Castle Road. For more information, contact Kelley Riedy at