
Voters invited to informational meeting

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Mary C. Evans

The League of Women Voters of Sanibel is hosting a voter service meeting from 4-6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 30, at the Sanibel Public Library.

Attorney Mary C. Evans representing the Florida Bar Association, will present the Bar’s education program “The Vote’s in Your Court.” She will discuss the roles of Florida judges, judicial elections, merit retention and why we vote for judges.

Margaret Mohundro, director of the Sanibel Public Library, 770 Dunlop Rd., will discuss the library district and why we elect library commissioners.

In addition, a power point presentation will inform voters of the 11 proposed Amendments to the Florida Constitution that are on the general election ballot on Tuesday, Nov. 6. Sanibel voters are encouraged to attend so they may cast an informed vote.

“We will provide a balanced view of the amendments, with the pros and cons of each, so the voters can make up their own mind,” said Linda Kramer, league vice president.

Attendees receive the LWVF Voter Guide and the Bar Association’s publication on judicial elections.

For more information contact Linda Kramer at