Zonta welcomes new member

In addition to five new members inducted recently, Sanibel resident Maddy Mayor was welcomed into the Zonta Club of Sanibel-Captiva in May. Her arrival brings the total number of active members to 67.
Mayor arrived on Sanibel five years ago from New York City, and quickly became active in numerous community organizations including the Herb Strauss Theater, BIG Arts, the Sanibel League of Women Voters (where she serves on the board) and the Democratic Club of the Islands.
Sponsored by Zontian Ruth Woodham, Mayor brings to Zonta a wide range of talents and experience including teaching, social work and involvement in women’s groups. In retirement, she enjoys tennis, art, theater and travel.
“I know how important it is to continue to contribute to worthwhile situations and organizations throughout our lives,” Mayor said.
The Zonta Club of Sanibel/Captiva is a service organization of professional women working together to provide hands-on assistance, advocacy and funds to strengthen women’s lives on the islands, in Lee County and around the world through Zonta International.