
Zonta Club installs new officers, Board of Directors

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Zonta Club of Sanibel-Captiva's Board of Directors for 2010-2011 includes, from left, Barbara Marti, Nancy Dreher, Claire Mallon, Barbara Nagle, Linda Robison (president), Lynn Ridlehoover, Darlene Boda and Carolyn Gray. Not pictured are Nori Ann Reed, Linda Kramer, Karen Pati, Gail Migliorini and Sandi Hutchings.
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Zonta Foundation of Southwest Florida Board members inclunde, from left, Kris Ritts, Barbara Nagle, Ruth Woodham and Darlene Boda. Not pictured are Carolyn Swiney, Wendy West and Valorie Babb.


With a new Zonta year beginning June 1st, the Zonta Club of Sanibel-Captiva gathered recently to welcome the incoming Board of Directors and officers for 2010-2011. 

The club also recognized the 2010-2011 Board of the Zonta Foundation of Southwest Florida, the non-profit entity the club created for fund raising and distribution of grants. Every member of the club is automatically a member of the Foundation.

The installation ceremony was performed by Ginger Parker, a founding member and past president of the club.

Returning as president for 2010-2011 is Linda Robison, who served in this capacity for 2008-2009. Barbara Nagle is president-elect; vice president, Claire Mallon; treasurer, Darlene Boda; recording secretary, Nori Ann Reed; and corresponding secretary, Linda Kramer. 

Rounding out the Board are past president Carolyn Gray; members-at-large for two years Karen Pati, Barbara Marti, Nancy Dreher and Gail Migliorini; and members-at-large for one year Lynn Ridlehoover and Sandi Hutchings.

The Foundation Board is comprised of Carolyn Swiney (president); Kris Ritts (secretary); Wendy West (treasurer); Valorie Babb (past president) and Ruth Woodham (member-at-large) and, serving by virtue of their positions on the club Board, Darlene Boda and Barbara Nagle.  

Carolyn Gray, who hosted the celebratory event at her Sanibel home, graciously thanked the outgoing Board and officers.

“Serving as your president has not been a chore because I have worked with a group of wonderful women, making a difference in this community and in the world through their contributions to Zonta International,” she said. 

Gray was presented with a commemorative etched vase by Luc Century.   

Robison’s chosen theme for the new Zonta year is “Serving Women, Together” and she invited those present to join in sharing a personal story of one woman who had performed a particular service for them or made a special impact on their lives. 

The Zonta Club of Sanibel/Captiva is a service organization of professional women working together to provide hands-on assistance, advocacy and funds to strengthen women’s lives on the islands, in Lee County and around the world through Zonta International. 

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