It’s time again for the Road Rally, so put on your driving gloves, your cool sunglasses and your thinking caps. The Sanibel-Captiva Optimist Club is pleased to invite all residents and visitors to participate in the annual island tradition Road Rally beginning at noon this Saturday, July ."/>

It’s time again for the Road Rally, so put on your driving gloves, your cool sunglasses and your thinking caps. The Sanibel-Captiva Optimist Club is pleased to invite all residents and visitors to participate in the annual island tradition Road Rally beginning at noon this Saturday, July ."/>

It’s time again for the Road Rally, so put on your driving gloves, your cool sunglasses and your thinking caps. The Sanibel-Captiva Optimist Club is pleased to invite all residents and visitors to participate in the annual island tradition Road Rally beginning at noon this Saturday, July ." />

San-Cap Optimist Club Road Rally rolls across the island on Saturday

2 min read
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Teams check in at Timbers during last year's Road Rally.

This year, the City of Sanibel’s Independence Day Parade theme is “Freedom Rocks.” Thus, the San-Cap Optimist Club’s complimentary theme is “The Road Rally Rolls.”

It’s time again for the Road Rally, so put on your driving gloves, your cool sunglasses and your thinking caps. The Sanibel-Captiva Optimist Club is pleased to invite all residents and visitors to participate in the annual island tradition Road Rally beginning at noon this Saturday, July 3.

For those of you who don’t know about this annual island event, the Road Rally is a scavenger hunt for answers to clever questions… it is not a race! The entrance fee per car is $35. We provide you with detailed directions and fun questions — you find the answers along the way.

The route takes approximately two hours or so to complete. This year, we begin and finish our “tour of the island” at the Timbers Restaurant, located at 703 Tarpon Bay Road, in the parking lot at noon. You may pre-register and request a preferred start time. We will get as close as we can to your request. All entrants will be able to see the parade first. Entry forms are available from The Sanibel Café, Bailey’s General Store, American Legion Post 123 and the Sanibel Grill/Timbers Restaurant.

Following the Road Rally, the Sanibel Grill (at Timbers Restaurant) will be open for a post-event party for everyone. Prizes will be awarded for time and distance closest to the race committee’s target plus points for answers to the questions, and for the best/most fun decorated vehicles. There will also be a 50/50 drawing.

Sponsorships are still available.

Please make your checks for entries and for donations payable to the Sanibel-Captiva Optimist Club Foundation. Mail entry forms, fees and also donations to: Sanibel-Captiva Optimist Club, P.O. Box 1370, Sanibel, FL 33957-1370.

For further information and details on sponsorships, call Randy Carson at 239-699-8739, Richard McCurry at 239-292-4631 or e-mail us at