LDCRS backs Open Space, Accessory Use legislation
During their latest discussions about making alterations to the city’s regulations for redevelopment within the Resort Housing District, the Land Development Code Review Subcommittee (LDCRS) gave their approval to keeping the current language included in both Accessory Use and Recreational Open Space legislation.
On Tuesday, the LDCRS jumped ahead of their self-imposed schedule of discussion topics regarding redevelopment plans for hotels, motels, inns, cottages and condominiums and brought up Resort Housing Accessory Uses (originally set to be discussed on Dec. 14 and 28) and Recreational Open Space (planned for debate on Nov. 9 and 23).
The seven-member panel is currently well ahead of their proposed 13-month meeting schedule, having already moved forward on issues involving Density, Impervious Coverage, Developed Area and Vegetation Removal, Height Limits and Setbacks, the latter two topics approved during their June 8 session.
Jimmy Jordan, Director of Planning, told the LDCRS that his staff found very few areas within the current code language that needed to be altered.
“There are really no particular changes, with the exception of what I call ‘housekeeping changes,'” said Jordan. “Basically, the same standards would be applicable.”
In his staff report, Jordan noted the lone change within the Open Space code was adjusted due to density requirements of the city.
“When short-term rental units are reconstructed in the Resort Housing District at a density that is greater than five units per acre, that development shall provide a minimum of 37,500 square feet of recreational open space per acre,” the report stated.
No changes were recommended for Accessory Commercial Uses or Accessory Beach Equipment requirements.