CEPD sponsors oil spill beach cleanup training
In an effort to prepare island residents for the potential seepage of oil into Captiva and Sanibel’s coastal waters, the Ostego Bay Oil Spill Co-Op will conduct two volunteer training sessions — sponsored by the Captiva Erosion Prevention District — on Monday, June 14 at South Seas Island Resort.
Based on criteria from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the four-hour sessions will educate volunteers on post-emergency beach cleanup, including removing tar balls and patties — which are considered contaminated materials by the OSHA — that might wash ashore due to the massive spill that began in the Gulf of Mexico in April.
“We’re trying to be sure that our citizens are prepared and aware,” said CEPD administrator Kathy Rooker. “The training is only four hours long and it seems like a very short term action, but it will have a long-term effect. It’s something small that we can do.”
The sessions are open to everyone, and anyone who is interested in volunteering to assist in beach cleanup is welcome to attend.
The CEPD is asking that all registered attendees arrive 15 minutes prior to the start
of the session to complete registration and pay the requisite fee of $25 (cash and checks only). Because the session is an OSHA training event, participants will receive a certificate upon completion.
“We hope we won’t have to use the skills the volunteers will learn during the session, but if we are faced with it, they can help us reestablish the the quality of our beaches,” Rooker added.
Due to limited seating, advanced registration for the session is required.
To register, call the CEPD at 472-2472 or send an e-mail mycepd@gmail.com no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, June 9. If you reach the organization’s voicemail, leave your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and whether you want to attend the morning or afternoon session.