League of Women Voters Sanibel MAL Unit conducts first annual meeting
The League of Women Voters of Sanibel met last week for the first annual meeting of the group as a fully sanctioned unit of the League of Women Voters of Florida.
Deidre Macnab, President of the League of Women Voters of Florida, announced that the Sanibel MAL Unit met all of the requirements to be recognized as a local league. The LWV state board unanimously approved the action at their meeting on March 21, 2010.
“Sanibel Island will now have a dedicated force of volunteer League members working to bring an objective and broad perspective on important issues to Sanibel residents,” stated President Macnab.
As of last week’s meeting, the Sanibel League is over 80 members strong.
At its meeting, the League of Women Voters of Sanibel adopted a set of by-laws and a strong “Nonpartisanship Policy Statement.” The League also elected a Board of Directors:
Carla Benninga, President
Linda Kramer, 1st Vice-President
Mary McLaughlin, 2nd Vice President
Robert Winters, Secretary
Linda Robison, Treasurer
Darlene Boda, Membership
Martha Ponader, Voter Services
Carolyn Gray, Public Relations
Also, thanks to Webmaster Christine Andrews, the Sanibel League has a website, located www.sanibellwv.org
For the November election, Martha Ponader will be leading the effort to provide voter services for Sanibel voters. For the local Sanibel election in March, the League will be hosting a candidates night on Feb. 15, 2011 at the Sanibel Community House, 2173 Periwinkle Way.