
FGCU’s Small Business Development Center hosts Earth Day seminar

1 min read

The Small Business Development Center at Florida Gulf Coast University hosts a free Green Seminar from 1 to 3 p.m. on Thursday, April 22 at the Sugden Welcome Center in conjunction with Earth Day.

Guest speaker at the seminar is LEED Certified Professional Casey Neurock, chief managing partner for NeuGreen. Attendees will learn both tangible and intangible benefits of going green, and how to capitalize on them.

The SBDC will also introduce a green Web site and directory geared toward Southwest Florida small businesses that offer green and sustainable products, services and operations.

Gulfshore Business and Costco Wholesale are sponsoring the event and providing free organic refreshments.

Seating is limited and reservations are required. Visit the SBDC Web site at or call 239-745-3700 to make reservations.

For more information about the event, contact SBDC Assistant Director Suzanne Specht at 239-745-3704.

Source: FGCU