Panel approves land development code draft for public survey
During a special meeting of the Captiva Community Panel on Wednesday, a majority vote among panel members approved a final version of the land development code for review for the next general meeting of the panel on April 13.
Dave Depew and Max Forgey of Morris-Depew Associates attended the meeting to answer questions and address the concerns of both residents and panel members.
Forgey went through a summary of changes that have so far been made to the code, including provisions for height restrictions, estate zoning and signage.
The latest version of the land development code, version “12E,” is available for viewing on the panel’s Web site,
There was lots of discussion among panel members and residents about code language, but ultimately, panel member Ron Gibson motioned to adopt the draft for survey among members of the community.
Mike Kelly, head of the panel’s land development committee, was concerned that there were still some minor language errors that need to be corrected and some clarifications that need to made before the draft is adopted.
Jim Boyle, who seconded Gibson’s motion, acknowledged Kelly’s concern, but said that there would be plenty of opportunities in the future to alter the text.
“When you get different input, when you get the public survey back, when you get County comments, the code is going to be tweaked all the way down the road. But I think we do need to move forward,” Boyle said.
Nathalie Pyle suggested an amendment to the motion, and Gibson agreed, amending his motion by saying he recommends the panel go forward with the draft, including any adjustments that will inevitably be made at the April 9 meeting, so that the panel can make it available to the public for survey.
All panel members, excepting Gordon Hullar, who was absent, and Dave Jensen, voted in favor of the motion.
Panel member Jensen expressed his concern with a portion of the water quality section of the code which states that no on-site treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS) can be constructed within 150 feet from a tidally influenced body of water (Section 33-522 B).
Jensen wanted to know if this would affect any existing lots or properties that might not be able to comply with the provision and, though Forgey and Depew said that they would look into the matter, he decided not to vote for the approval of the final draft without further information about the provision.
Soon after the April panel meeting, the Captiva community will receive a survey, asking their opinion on the changes made to the land development code. Rather than voting on the entire draft as either “Yes or No,” the public will be asked to review and vote on each section separately.
For more information about the panel and the land development code, go to
NOTE: The date for the next Captiva Community Panel was printed incorrectly in the print edition. The correct date for the Panel meeting is Tuesday, April 13, not April 9. We apologize for any confusion.