City seeks survey participants for Google ultra high-speed service
Google is planning to build and test ultra-high speed broadband fiber-to-the-home networks in a small number of trial locations across the country. They are currently accepting bids from cities as part of a competitive process to select the “fiber communities.”
The City of Sanibel is submitting a proposal and needs a survey of our community to include as part of the proposal.
According to Google, fiber delivers one gigabit per second Internet speeds, which is more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today. If selected by Google, there would be no cost to Sanibel to build the fiber network, and the service would be offered to the community’s customers at a competitive price.
Sanibel residents and business representatives are being asked to answer a 10-question survey online – – that will become part of the city’s application to become one of these trial fiber locations.
If you have any questions or comments, contact Bert Smith, MIS Director, at 472-3700.
Source: City of Sanibel