Panel discusses land development code; workshop set for Feb. 18
On Tuesday, at the monthly meeting of the Captiva Community Panel, panel members discussed at length suggested changes for the land development code.
Max Forgey of Morris-Depew Associates presented changes based on feedback he received at the workshop session held on Jan. 28, where panel members and concerned residents discussed height restriction and RSC-2 zoning language in the land development code.
The panel has been working closely with Morris-Depew and members of the community to draft a new version of the land development code for the past several months.
“We’re getting very close to the point where we’ll hand the draft back to the panel for you to receive input from the public one last time before we take it to Lee County staff,” Forgey said.
“To summarize the meeting on the 28th, we addressed short-term rentals and RSC-2 zoning, and I think we’ve reached a general consensus on that,” Forgey said, noting that based on what he’s heard over the course of the panel’s workshop sessions, residents seem to be agreement that, of the four properties on Captiva that have three or more residential units, all units can be rented short-term, but only to people of the same, related group.
The only exception would be made for a caretaker residence where the caretaker pays rent to live in the unit.
Next, Forgey discussed building height restrictions.
“What’s definitely come out of the workshops is the idea that on Captiva, the limit needs to be two habitable floors for a residence. The regulations can be recrafted to make sure everyone gets their two floors, but beyond two floors is inconsistent with Captiva’s aesthetic,” Forgey said.
“Given the elevation challenge you have on Captiva, we reached the idea of a 28 foot standard. Twenty-eight feet allows you two floors, plus the decking underneath them of about a foot and a half each – a lower floor of 10 feet, and upper floor of nine feet and some slope to the roof,” Forgey said, noting that Captivans all seemed to agree that encouraging roof slope and articulation – not to exceed eight feet – is a good thing.
Forgey also presented suggestions based on extensive research on building height in the village.
After more than an hour of discussion, questions and concerns, Forgey and the panel decided to further explore building in the village at the workshop session scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 18.
Panel members requested that Forgey bring in his prepared illustrations depicting the suggested changes.
The continuation of the discussion regarding building in the village and signage language workshop is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 18 at 9 a.m. at South Seas Island Resort. Though the location is as yet undetermined, previous workshops have been held in various Cone rooms at the resort.
The panel will hold their next regular meeting on Tuesday, March 9 at 9 a.m. at ‘Tween Waters Inn, 15951 Captiva Drive.