Ocean Micro Lab offered at Sanibel Sea School
This spring, Sanibel Sea School is excited to offer a 12-week series of adult classes titled “The Twelve Big Questions.” On Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 4 p.m., we invite you to find answers to some very interesting marine questions.
On March 3, we will set up our microscopes to examine some of the small but very complex organisms that live in the ocean. We hope you’ll join us for an afternoon of fun and learning with other island residents who are curious about the ocean.
The program, entitled Ocean Micro Lab, aims to answer questions like “What’s in the ocean that I can’t see?”
We all know that tiny organisms like parasites and plankton exist in the ocean, but they’re impossible to see without a microscope – which most of us don’t have access to at home. We invite you to come collect plankton samples and look through our microscopes at a variety of microscopic organisms from the sea. We’ll learn about phytoplankton, zooplankton and bacterioplankton. You will see artistic wonders in a drop of water wilder than you could ever imagine!
You can attend just one week or all 12. For more detailed course descriptions, visit sanibelseaschool.wordpress.com. Classes are $55 each, or $50 each for four or more. To register, send an e-mail to Liz@sanibelseaschoool.org or call us at 472-8585.