
Tarpon Bay Road drainage improvements start next week

1 min read

The City of Sanibel announced today that Tarpon Bay Road drainage improvements between Periwinkle Way and Sanibel-Captiva Road will begin on Wednesday, July 15 and continue through Thursday, July 30. Construction hours for this work are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Monday through Friday.

The project involves the installation of storm drainage prior to the upcoming road resurfacing project. The City of Sanibel has contracted with BJ Enterprises Inc. to perform this work.

The contractor is required to maintain one-way traffic at all times. However, due to the nature of this work, motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists can expect traffic delays as Tarpon Bay Road will be intermittently closed to traffic for short periods of time. At least one lane of traffic will be maintained at all other times when determined to be safe. Every effort will be made to maintain access to the businesses in this area. Please plan your travel accordingly.

Anyone with questions and/or comments regarding the Tarpon Bay Road Drainage Improvements Project is invited to contact the City of Sanibel Public Works Department at 472-6397.

Source: City of Sanibel