Panel hears updates on golf cart ordinance, TDC funding
There were no new issues on the Captiva Community Panel’s July agenda, but during Tuesday’s meeting, panel members heard various updates to the recently panel-approved golf cart ordinance, the status of the Tourist Development Council’s beach and shoreline funding and the activities of the Captiva Hurricane Preparation and Response Committee.
“The County Commission did approve the golf cart ordinance on June 23. It still has to go through processing and people have to be notified as to the ramifications of it, so you won’t see any implementation of the ordinance until maybe mid-August or later,” Gooderham said.
The ordinance would require anyone who operates a golf cart in the designated Captiva zones to be a licensed driver at least 16 years of age.
The panel restated their interest in prolonging golf cart usage into nighttime hours and Gooderham said he would move the request forward by contacting Harry Campbell of the Lee County Department of Transportation, the person who would be responsible for determining whether nighttime usage in the village is safe.
Extending the zones in which golf carts can operate is not currently a priority of the panel, but residents are always encouraged to attend panel meetings to make their own opinions and concerns heard.
Gooderham also gave an update regarding a potential lack of funding from the Tourist Development Council for the water quality study currently being conducted on behalf of the panel by the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation foundation.
“Water quality projects that had been funded by the TDC in years past will not be funded by the TDC this year,” Gooderham said, noting that there might still be hope in the form of the Board of County Commissioners.
“The commissioners won’t discuss budget issues until August. In the meantime, the TDC is meeting on Friday (July 10) to vote on beach and shoreline funding,” he continued.
“We still are in the running for TDC funding, we think. We have very responsible Captivans writing letters to the county commissioners [but] I still didn’t get a real strong sense of what they wanted to do. I’m hoping to hear from the TDC and find out if that’s moving forward or not.”
Gooderham said he would notify panel members as soon as he received word from the TDC.
SCCF’s Loren Coen might be present at next month’s meeting to present the findings that the study has so far produced.
Gooderham also reminded everyone, as per last month’s panel discussion, that there will be an informational meeting about the proposed toll hike on Tuesday, July 14 at 4:30 p.m. at the Sanibel Community House, located at 2173 Periwinkle Way.
Doris Holzheimer of the Captiva Hurricane Preparation and Response Committee also offered a brief update for the panel.
“No new news, basically, which is good news. Get your hurricane passes, send your homeowner’s letter into the Sheriff’s office or the fire department if someone else is going to be checking your property or if you’re managing rental property,” said Holzheimer.
Hurricane passes can be obtained through Stephanie Dowd of the Sanibel Police Department. You can find more storm preparation information at the committee’s Web site,
The panel will meet again on Aug. 11 at 9 a.m. in the Wakefield Room at ‘Tween Waters Inn, located at 15951 Captiva Drive.