Panel forms land development, proposal selection committee
During the July meeting of the Captiva Community Panel, the panel continued their discussion about going through and finalizing the Captiva land development code.
During a past meeting, the panel decided to ask panel member Rene Miville to round up potential candidates for the job, as per the suggestion of Paul Garvey of the Captiva Civic Association. Miville found several potential candidates and distributed a copy of each company’s proposal to panel members prior to the meeting.
“There isn’t a single individual that we’ve contacted that wouldn’t be competent. This is like making a movie and having all the best directors that want the job,” Miville said. “We’re just in a really priviledged situation.”
Panel member Sandy Stilwell suggested that each candidate be given the opportunity to present their ideas to the panel, while panel member Harry Silverglide inquired as to whether a specific selection committee would be helpful.
Miville and panel land development code committee head Mike Kelly were naturally appointed and panel member Gordon Hullar made a request that Silverglide join the committee, which Silverglide accepted.
By next month’s meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 11, the committee will work to define clear criteria for the position – including the fact that the process can not exceed $18,000 without requesting more funding – analyze each of the submitted proposals and make a recommendation to the panel.
The Captiva Community Panel meets at 9 a.m. in the Wakefield Room at ‘Tween Waters Inn, located at 15951 Captiva Drive.