Library prepares for summer reading program, activities
Beginning on Tuesday, June 9, Island teens, tweens and kids can start signing up for the Captiva Memorial Library’s summer reading program and various activities scheduled to take place throughout June and July.
“We’re going to have a variety of shows that the kids can see – it gives you a chance to be creative [and] it will get you out of the hot sun so you can cool off. We’ve also had a number of good books added to our collection as well as old favorites and we’re looking forward to sharing what we have,” said Captiva library associate Naomi Pastor.
Kids will have the opportunity to participate in the library’s various “Be Creative @ Your Library” programs and events.
In addition to these programs, kids will receive prizes based on how many books they read throughout the summer, including toys and books.
Preschoolers who can’t read yet are also welcome to join in on the fun as long as a willing adult will help read to the child and keep track of the books they read.
More information about the children’s reading program is available at the library.
But while kids are racking up prizes for reading, there will also be a special program every Thursday at 3 p.m., beginning on Thursday, June 18 and lasting until July 23. One program will take place at 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 11.
The programs include “Showtime for Kids: Rootin, Tootin, Reading Round-up” on June 18, “Wildlife of Southwest Florida” on June 25, “Wild Wizard Show” on July 2, “Papier Mache with DiVitto Kelly” on July 11, “Out of my Hands Juggling” on July 16 and “Get Magically Creative @ Your Library” on July 23.
“The ‘Rootin, Tootin, Reading Round-Up’ is a wild west adventure filled with magic, balloons, audience participation and heaps of comedy and the kids will get to solve a mystery,” Pastor explained.
“Wildlife of Southwest Florida” will feature a presenter from the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge.
“The presenter will tell them about Florida wildlife, they’ll get to identify animals out here on Captiva Island and Sanibel and they’ll get to make a bookmark to take home with them,” Pastor said.
“Wild Wizard Show” will be an interactive program presented by Glen Beitman of the Edison and Ford Winter Estates that will give kids the opportunity to participate in various hands-on science experiments.
The only Saturday program in the “Be Creative” lineup will feature a library favorite, DiVitto Kelly. Kelly came to the library last year and helped kids make papier-mache clown fish.
“This time he’s going to do a flamingo with the kids,” Pastor said.
“Out of my Hands Juggling” with Gerard Tricarico will introduce kids – and adults – to the art of juggling.
The final program, “Get magically Creative at Your Library” will be presented by magical storyteller Brent Gregory. The event will be an interactive magic show that incorporates stories and reading and gives audience members a chance to participate.
For teenagers, the library is once again featuring their “Read it! Watch it! Win it!” reading program as part of this year’s “Express Yourself” program.
After reading a book and submitting a review, teen readers will receive three teen bucks for every review they write. Readers can only submit three reviews per day. Instructions on writing and submitting reviews are available at the library.
There will be a special jewelry design event on Saturday, June 27, at 3 p.m. where teens can learn basic jewelry-making techniques and take home a unique item they create themselves.
At the end of the program on July 25, the Captiva Memorial Library will host an end of summer party where teens can bid on prizes with their teen bucks and create crafty goth sock puppets.
Auction items include gift cards for the Gap and iTunes.
Except for the end of summer party for teens, for which you must have teen bucks to attend, all events and programs are free and open to the public.
For more information about the library’s upcoming summer programs, call 472-2133.
The Captiva Memorial Library is located at 11560 Chapin Lane.