Bloodmobile at Bailey’s this Friday
Bailey’s General Store and the Lee Memorial Blood Centers are teaming up for a bloodmobile drive on Friday, April 10 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. The bloodmobile will be parked in the Bailey’s General Store parking lot.
All blood donors will have their blood pressure and pulse, temperature, iron level, cholesterol level and blood type checked at no cost. Each donor will receive a blood center gift, a Denny’s breakfast coupon and a Dunkin’ Donut’s coupon for coffee and a donut. You may sign up to donate blood at Bailey’s Service Desk or you may call 472-1516 to place your name on the signup sheet to donate blood. Walk-ins are welcome, too.
Donating blood saves lives. Do you know that your donation of a single pint of blood can help save the lives of several people? Think about it – your donation of blood will be separated into its different components. The platelets may go to a child with leukemia; the plasma to a patient with a clotting problem; and the red blood cells to an accident victim. Blood donations will remain in the Lee Memorial Health System.
Please come out and donate blood on Good Friday and help to save a life. If you have questions about donating blood, call one of Lee Memorial’s blood centers: HealthPark Medical Center at 239-432-3604; Cape Coral Hospital at 239-574-5400; Lee Memorial Hospital at 239-334-5333.