
Oldest beauty salon moves to new location

5 min read
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Staff at the Sanibel Beauty Salon get ready to make their debut at their new location on Palm Ridge Road.

With apologies to Ol’ Blue Eyes

As the song from the musical Guy and Dolls says, “It’s the oldest established, permanent floating crap game in New York.”

Well, not quite, but Sanibel Beauty Salon is the oldest established permanent beauty salon on the islands. And, by this time next week, it will have “floated” down the street and around the corner from Bailey’s to 2330 Palm Ridge Road in the former Chico’s location.

“Welcome to our new home!”

At Sanibel Beauty Salon the motto is “Nowhere else can you have this much fun and leave looking soooooooooo good.” Maybe because they have a solid reputation for being the place with great services and products, but also for having a fun-loving and knowledgeable staff that believes “If you love what you do, you never have to WORK another day in your life.” At Sanibel Beauty Salon they love what they do and it shows! Not only are they fun to be around as well as professional, but they pride themselves on not being “stuffy” – you can come in and relax!

Customers and “friends that we haven”t met yet” get to share in the joy of a professional salon (59 years this March, with a combined experience of over 225 years) that is fun, up-to-date, and NOT stuffy. Says owner MaryAnne Banta, “Trust me, I like to ‘put on the dog’ every once in a while, but I love being friendly and living in the real world the rest of the time.” From finger waves to funk, they can make it happen, and you will love your experience!

The salon was established on March 25th, 1951. It was important for founder Mary Aleck to open that day because March 25th is Greek Independence Day and, on that day, she celebrated both her Greek heritage and her independence as a pioneering businesswoman. As unbelievable as it sounds today, she had to have her husband file papers in court saying that she was competent as a woman to own and run a business (in 1951, no less!). The salon opened with two hair stations and four dryers. Actually, the hair dryers had not arrived for opening day, so clients sat outside on sawhorses to dry their hair in the sun!

Mary Aleck’s legacy has been passed along to her daughter MaryAnne Banta and her grand-daughter Deena. The salon now boasts six stylist stations, eight dryers, pedicure chairs, etc.

“We are Sanibel’s first and finest, offering the newest and coolest!” explains MaryAnne.

“We love people and the beauty industry and are proud to offer our clients the latest in cuts (for the whole family), coloring and multi-dimensional coloring, and perming (for volume and to support your style and for curls), and styling for all lengths and hair types. We can always achieve anything you need or want.”

The salon also offers a full range of nail services, manicures and pedicures, artificial enhancements, paraffin, even facial waxing services.

Throughout all the years and changes, the salon’s commitment to the community and to worthy causes has remained a priority.

One of the causes that they are most proud to support is Locks of Love. Locks of Love accepts donations of 10 inches or more of hair to be used in wigs and hairpieces for children with illnesses. In the last year, they have been thrilled at the increase in donations! Another organization they started donating to this year is Great Lengths – similar to Locks of Love except that they take eight inches and the wigs go to women with cancer. “It’s a wonderful cause, and we are proud to be a part of it.”

Another new organization they joined last year is Matter of Trust. Prior to Matter of Trust, all the swept up hair clippings went right in the trash.

“Now we save them! We send them off to Matter of Trust and they make mats out of the recycled hair clippings to clean up oil spills in the ocean. It’s amazing! We love helping the environment, and it’s nice to know all of the hair we cut goes somewhere to help others,” MaryAnne says.

Customers are invited to come to the new Sanibel Beauty Salon and enjoy the feel of old-fashioned service with the confidence and flair of top-notch stylists.

They always offer the very best in products and services backed up by highly trained and professional staff. And the staff unanimously agrees that “We look forward to meeting you and making your experience with us a memorable one.”

As of Monday, Jan. 18th, this long-term Sanibel business will no longer be located in Bailey’s Shopping Center, but in Palm Ridge Place, next to Hungry Heron. The phone number is 472-1111 or you can e-mail them at . Also, check out their website at to learn more about their services and team!