
Sanibel Deli now making Mozella’s tomato pie

1 min read

The Sanibel Deli and Coffee Factory located at 2330 Palm Ridge Road is making and serving an old island favorite dish. The deli was recently giving the blessing from Jimmy Jordan to make his mother Mozella Jordan’s tomato pie. Mozella Jordan used to make her secret recipe for island resident for many years while owner of Mozella’s Catering. But Mozella passed away years ago and the recipe has not been used since this week when the deli was given permission to use it, said Sanibel Deli head cook, Betty Harris. Harris worked at Mozella’s for three years.

“I was shown how to make it,” she said.

Harris said the golden-crusted pie is made with tomato, cheddar, bacon and a secret crust. News traveled fast that the deli had the dish. Pam, a Sanibel Deli regular, rushed into the business on Tuesday afternoon.

“I just had to get it,” she said. “It just looks so good.”

Pam, owner of Beach Floor & Decor, said her daughter called her and gave the tip.

Harris smiled as she served up a slice to Pam.

“The memory of Mozella lives on,” she said.

For more information, call the Sanibel Deli at 472-2555.