San-Cap Lions receives Bank Of The Islands gift
Congratulations to Hugh Cameron, the winner of the “We Love Our Islands” promotion sponsored by Bank Of The Islands.
Cameron was spotted with a “We Love Our Islands” decal on his vehicle. That won him the right to select which local non-profit cause would receive a charitable contribution of $400 from Bank Of The Islands. This contribution marks $32,500 given to island non-profits through the Bank’s “We Love Our Islands” program.
Hugh chose to direct the Bank’s donation to the Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club.
“The Lions can always be counted on when there’s a community need. Whether it’s Christmas Tree sales or recycling eyeglasses, they are always good neighbors,” said Bank Of The Islands manager Rob Lisenbee. “This gift is one way for us to show the Lions how much we appreciate them, and how much we appreciate being your island bank.”
All islanders are invited to stop by the bank, located at 1699 Periwinkle Way on the corner of Casa Ybel Road, to get a free “We Love Our Islands” decal and details on how you and your favorite charity can become our next lucky winners.