
UPDATE: Forum set for city council candidates

By TIFFANY REPECKI / 3 min read
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PHOTO PROVIDED Lyman “Chip” Welch

UPDATE: The League of Women Voters of Sanibel reported that its Public Candidate Forum today, Feb. 11, from 5 to 7 p.m. at BIG ARTS on Sanibel will also stream live on its Facebook page. In addition, candidate John Henshaw is unable to attend, so the league will interview him separately on the same questions and post the interview later on Facebook. To watch the forum, visit


ORIGINAL (Feb. 3, 2025):

Voters will have an opportunity next week to hear from the candidates seeking election to the Sanibel City Council in March, including their thoughts and opinions on a range of topics of island interest.

The League of Women Voters of Sanibel will host a Public Candidate Forum on Feb. 11 from 5 to 7 p.m. at BIG ARTS on Sanibel. It will feature the four candidates certified to run for three open seats in the city’s General Election, set for March 4. Free and open to the all, the doors will open at 4:30 p.m.

“We’re a nonpartisan organization and focused on voters — what they need to be armed with to be fully educated as they go to the polls,” President Cathie Kozik said, noting that voter education is one of the group’s goals. “We believe hearing the candidates in their own voice is very very important.”

Current City Councilmembers Laura DeBruce and John Henshaw and Vice Mayor Mike Miller are seeking re-election, with Lyman “Chip” Welch running as the fourth candidate on the ballot.

The three seats will be for four-year terms. Council elections are nonpartisan races.

The moderator for the forum will be professor Roger Green, of Florida Gulf Coast University’s Department of Political Science, Public Administration and History.

“He is the program coordinator and Public Administration head,” she said. “He’s really focused on political science, in general, but also history. He teaches everything from political theory and politics in the arts, to environmental policy and public policy.”

“That’s kind of the sweet spot in terms of what’s important to Sanibel,” Kozik added.

The questions will be presented in a balanced way.

“They’re focused on everything from the Sanibel Plan to red tide,” she said, noting that their group compiled the list with input from other island organizations, like the SanCap Chamber and Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation. “Questions that are important to the Sanibel community.”

The forum will include time for questions from the audience.

“We do intend to have the opportunity for the audience to ask questions. We’ll have cards that they can fill out,” Kozik said, adding that ushers will collect them. “We’ll moderate those questions, as well.”

The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

“Come get educated — that’s really the whole theme here. Come learn about the candidates and what’s important to them and match that up to you,” she said. “City council and the decisions that they make impact every one of us. It’s important that we all understand the leaders that are going to lead us for the next four years.”

For more information or questions, contact

It is the mission of the League of Women Voters of Sanibel to encourage informed and active participation in government. League-hosted events have been held in high regard for their nonpartisan content and their use of tried and true best practices.

BIG ARTS is at 900 Dunlop Road, Sanibel.




Public Candidate Forum


League of Women Voters of Sanibel


Feb. 11 from 5 to 7 p.m.


BIG ARTS, 900 Dunlop Road, Sanibel


Free and open to public