COTI Conversation to focus on island transportation

The Committee of the Islands will host its next COTI Conversation on Feb. 21 from 4 to 6 p.m. at The Community House, at 2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel.
The program will be “It’s Time to Talk Transportation,” led by Transportation Committee Chair Bill Millar. COTI recently released a paper about transportation on the premise that rebuilding and making Sanibel more resilient will require more than just attention to the physical aspects of the roadways. Under consideration are improving traffic flow, encouraging walking and biking, determining whether any form of public transportation service should be introduced in the community and examining what steps could be taken to accommodate the growing use of electrically-powered vehicles by the public.
Millar holds a Master of Arts in urban and regional planning. Among other positions, he served as developer of statewide public transit programs at the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and chief executive officer of the American Public Transportation Association.
There will be time for questions at the end of the program.
Complimentary wine, cheese and other refreshments will be served.
COTI Conversations are a member benefit; non-members are welcome, as seating permits.
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