
City council approves filling vacancy, more

By TIFFANY REPECKI / 5 min read
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CITY OF SANIBEL The Sanibel City Council approved the city's 50th anniversary commemorative logo at its meeting on Jan. 16.
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CITY OF SANIBEL The Sanibel City Council declared and celebrated Jan. 19 as Florida Arbor Day through a proclamation during its meeting on Jan. 16.

The Sanibel City Council signed off on the next steps for filling the seat left vacant by the recent resignation of former Councilmember Dr. Scott Crater at its meeting, as well as received an update on the post-Hurricane Ian beach restoration project and approved a new contract for the city attorney.

On Jan. 16, the council discussed the process to fill the open seat on the dais. City Manager Dana Souza and staff explained that the Sanibel Charter requires a special election to be held, plus outlined options for the council to consider in terms of filling the seat on an interim basis until the election.

Following their discussion, the council members voted 4-0 to advertise for applications from Jan. 16 to Jan. 26 at 5 p.m. and to appoint someone at their Feb. 6 meeting for an interim term to end on June 3.

Staff reported that the date of May 21 was secured with the Lee County Elections Office to hold the special election. The candidate qualifying period will run from March 25 at noon to March 29 at noon.

Precinct 105 will vote at The Community House, with Precinct 116 at the Sanibel Recreation Center.

The winner will be sworn into office in June to serve the rest of Crater’s term through March 2025.

The council voted 4-0 on a resolution calling for the special election to fill the seat as described.

Also during the meeting, Natural Resources Department Director Holly Milbrandt provided an update on the Sanibel Island Post Hurricane Ian Emergency Berm/Beach Recovery Project that just began.

Some of the information that she presented included:

– Intent: Add beach compatible sand to upland beach, encourage dune recovery and address gullies

– Design: 410,000 tons for sand volume, 5.5 NAVD for completed berm elevation, 50-100 feet for berm width and 64 major gullies to be filled, plus all minor gullies, at a cost of $14,181,208

– Schedule: Notice to proceed issued on Dec. 11, began hauling sand on Dec. 19 and the estimated completion is April 15; crews are working Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., with Saturday as needed

Milbrandt added that the community can stay updated on the project by clicking on the “Beach Renourishment Project” button at or by visiting the online interactive map at For questions, they can email

Also at the meeting, the council voted 4-0 to update the hourly rates for city attorney-related services from the law firm Boy Agnew Potanovic Miller, with City Attorney John Agnew as lead counsel.

Prior to the vote, Souza explained that Agnew’s contract and fees had remained the same since 2018. He outlined the following as the proposed increases: from $250 to $280 per hour for partner attorneys, from $175 to $190 per hour for associate attorneys, and from $100 to $110 per hour for paralegals.

Before voting, several council members reiterated that the rates had not increased in six years.


– The council voted 4-0 to approve the city’s 50th anniversary commemorative logo.

– The council voted 4-0 on a resolution to reappoint Paul Nichols and to appoint Erika Steiner to the Sanibel Planning Commission for three-year terms beginning on Jan. 16 through Jan. 18, 2007.

– The council voted 4-0 to appoint Councilmember Holly Smith as its new liaison to Community Housing & Resources due to the resignation Crater.

– The council voted 4-0 to authorize staff to participate in the review of South Seas’ Mixed Use Planned Development application to the Lee County Community Development Department and to provide the council with regular updates on the progress of the application.

– The council voted 4-0 on a resolution that extends the authorization for temporary storage units through Sept. 30.

– The council voted 4-0 on a resolution that provides temporary reciprocity for certain contractors licensed and registered with Lee County through June 30.

– The council held the first reading for an ordinance that would amend the Land Development Code related to vegetation standards by adding a definition for coconut palms — redefining them as a noncompeting exotic species. The second reading is set for Feb. 6.

– The council held the first reading for an ordinance that would amend the Land Development Code to update conditional use permit standards for docks, boat davits, boat lifts and mooring piling in the Bay Beach Zone and to marine accessory structures standards. The second reading is set for Feb. 6.

– The council held the first reading for an ordinance that would amend the Land Development Code related to fees and vegetation standards. The second reading is set for Feb. 6.

– The council held the first reading for an ordinance that would amend the Land Development Code to update special event applications and the conditions for the granting of permits. The second reading is set for Feb. 6.

– The council discussed a draft ordinance that would amend the Land Development Code to create mandatory inspections of aging condominiums and cooperative buildings. The first reading is set for Feb. 6.

– The council discussed a draft ordinance that would amend the Land Development Code related to mixed-use development to provide incentives to create housing opportunities for Sanibel’s workforce and streamline the permit processes for such developments. The first reading is set for Feb. 6.

– Smith reported that according to the most recent numbers from the Lee County Tourist Development Council, 13.5% of Sanibel’s accommodations have reopened. The other areas of Lee County are at:

—- Boca Grande: 100%

—- Bonita Springs: 94.1%

—- Cape Coral: 100%

—- Captiva: 43%

—- Estero: 100%

—- Fort Myers: 98.8%

—- For Myers Beach: 37.8%

—- Lehigh Acres: 100%

—- North Fort Myers: 74.8%

—- Pine Island: 66.3%

– The council declared and celebrated Jan. 19 as Florida Arbor Day through a proclamation.