Refuge postpones art exhibition

Originally scheduled for Dec. 21 through Feb. 25, the Niki Butcher “Daydreaming” photographic art exhibit at the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel has been postponed.
The refuge reported that due to a conflict in scheduling with the artist, the exhibition has been rescheduled for the late fall of 2024 into early 2025. Butcher’s exhibit will celebrate the unveiling of the refuge’s remastered auditorium, which will feature a new look and sound to update the facility following damage from Hurricane Ian.
Spouse of world-renowned wildlife photographer Clyde Butcher, she has made a name for herself capturing the splendor and authenticity of special places and people through hand-painted black-and-white photos. Butcher finds beauty not only in nature, but also in the historical buildings and interesting people who inhabit the landscapes.
Linda and Wayne Boyd are sponsoring the exhibition.
Niki and Clyde Butcher will do a joint presentation at the refuge sometime this season.